Wyoming Board of Nursing

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Board of Nursing Wyoming is a state regulatory agency representing members from both nursing profession and public, and various geographical location of Wyoming. The board  comprises of 7 Board Members, including 1 Licensed Practical Nurse Member , 5 Registered Nurse Member, 1 Public Member appointed by the Governor. It is also necessary that only one (1) person who is associated with a particular agency, educational institution, corporation or other enterprise or subsidiary at one time can be elected to the Board.

The prerequisites for the elected Registered Nurse board member include:

  • A resident of this WY.
  • Licensed in good standing
  • Engaged in the nursing practice as a RN
  • 5 (Five) years of experience as a registered nurse, at least three years immediately preceded appointment.
  • Out of 5 elected RNs, one RN member must bear at least two years of experience in an administrative or an education program educator
  • One RN member must hold at least two years of experience in administration in nursing service or public health nursing
  • One RN member shall be 2 years experienced as an APRN
  • Remaining two registered nurse members must be appointed from various areas of nursing.

The rules that are applied for the appointment of  the LPN include, a resident of this state, WY licensed, presently engaged in the practice of nursing as a LPN and 5 (Five) years of experience as a registered nurse, at least three years immediately preceded appointment.

The public member of the Board must be a majority age resident of this state and should not be related to health care or health education field.

The serving duration of Board Members is for a term of three years and, members are prohibited from holding office for more than two consecutive full terms.  The governor has the power to remove any board member as specified in W.S. 9-1-202.

A licensed RN, having nursing experience qualification and holding a master’s degree in nursing, must be appointed as executive director to the board, for performing various board administrative responsibilities and other duties as directed by the board.

The Mission of the Board is to serve citizen of the state of Wyoming through the regulation of nursing education and practice by offering necessary climate, collaborations and by implementing regulatory necessities for the nurses to practice.

The Board values excellence, ethics, education, safety and competence in nursing practice and nursing education.

The basic services provided by the Board of Nursing Wyoming can be summed up as follows:

  • Regulate the qualifications of nurses and nurse aides practicing in WY
  • develop and provide approved nursing education
  • Conduct Disciplinary actions on Licensee for practice violations, violations of Nursing Practice Act and administrative rules and regulations.
  • Set practice disciplinary standards
  • License APRNs, RNs, LPNs, and certify CNAs
  • Approve nursing education programs
  • Fees Schedule
  • The Board works in conjunction with the Department of Administration and Information

Contact details of Wyoming State Board of Nursing

State Board of Nursing Wyoming
2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 110
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-7601
Fax: (307) 777-3519
Website: http://nursing.state.wy.us/