Specialist Types of Nurses

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Nursing is a noble profession, which not only make you proficient in caring but also offers you wide array of specialties, where you can excel. Patient care, diagnosis and treatment is not concentrated to any specific ailment and injury but, concerns wide area of health caring relating to population, settings, disease or various types of cares and problems. Specialist Nurses need to apply their skill, knowledge and expertise in health care areas, such as children’s health, women’s health, pediatrics, emergency cares, critical care, diabetes, oncology, psychiatric, rehabilitation, injury, pain, wounds, stress and numerous other cares.

In order to master the nursing skill and knowledge and to specialize in any specific field, it is necessary to become a RN and then, opt for a Master’s or Doctorate degree. The next step is to successfully clear national certification board exam in selected area of specialty, which also offers them a License for practice.

Different Kinds Specialist Types of Nurses includes

Out Patient Specialists, Anesthesia Specialist, Cardiac Care Specialist, Critical Care Specialist, Emergency Nurses Emergency Nurses, Forensic Nurses, Geriatric Nurses, Holistic Nursing, Case Management Specialist, Midwives and Military Nurses. Other specialist types of nurses also consist of Nursing Practitioner, Company Nursing, Pediatric Nurses, Perioperative Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing. Some nurses also obtain specialization and become Research Nurses, School nurses, Agency Nursing, Travel Nursing, Urological Nurses, and Women’s Health Specialists. These nurses practice in a variety of settings.

If you are also aiming to become a specialist nurse, you can obtain your RN Degree, an associate degree or BS in non nursing field and through Continuous education and training in specific specialty field can earn Master’s or Doctorate degree. You are also required to gain two years’ professional experience post training. The higher the experience you earn in your specialized care field, you can procure higher grade posts with lucrative salary. Again, once you obtain your specialization, you can work independently, with doctors or in autonomous collaboration with other health care professionals in different types of health care settings.