Oklahoma Nursing Degree Programs

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In the State of Oklahoma, a nursing student can study qualitative nursing study to earn various degrees offered by numerous University campuses, community colleges, nursing schools, technical and vocation schools. The students can avail wide range of entry level to LPN, RN certification, associate degrees, BSN, MSN and doctoral degrees in different specialties.

The major schools offering nursing degrees includes, The University of Phoenix, Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City Community College, Oklahoma Wesleyan University and numerous other schools and community colleges, which provide both online/distance learning or classroom instructions.

A nursing student also has the benefit of receiving financial assistance for their nursing study in Oklahoma, through the Nursing Student Assistance Program, Mercy Health System and St. John Health System. Other State grants, loans, loans repayments and funds are also available for the deserving students and working professionals for work commitments and higher studies.

It is also necessary that nursing aspirants should appear for an entrance tests such as Registered Nurse Entrance Exam, Nursing Entrance Test, Psychological Services Bureau, Critical Thinking Entrance Exam and Test of Essential Academic Skills to get admission to these degree programs.

Oklahoma Nursing Degree Programs:

  • Bachelor’s Degree to Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN
  • RN to MSN
  • Second Degree BSN
  • BSN
  • Doctoral Nursing program
  • PhD
  • Nursing Programs
  • Nursing Administration
  • Nursing Education

The students opting for these degrees must pass national licensing examination NCLEX to become a practical or registered nurse.