Nursing schools in Virginia

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If you are residing in Virginia, you must remember that Virginia offers numerous career opportunities to nursing students and nurses. The demand for nurses is on a rise because, at present America, including Virginia is reeling under nurse shortages, due to constant health care needs of, increased ageing population, population growth, and baby boomers. In order to meet the demand of nurses and to overcome nurse shortages, numerous nursing schools have been opened in the state of Virginia to prepare the nurses.

Nursing Schools in Virginia offer various types of nursing programs, which train individuals in the nurse care field and prepare them for NCLEX exam, which evaluates their nursing knowledge, skill and competencies.

An aspiring nursing student can enroll in any of the nursing schools, community colleges, tech-schools, vocational colleges and universities to attend the programs for entry level, diploma, certificates, degree, Specialty, Doctoral, an accelerated second degree BSN, associate nursing programs, BSN and MSN degrees.

All major nursing schools and programs in Virginia are accredited through State or federal approved National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approvals are received from Virginia Board of Nursing.

There are many campuses based or online schools in Virginia, which can be attended by you for the completion of training programs for entry level as well as for advance level nursing education, including specialty, masters and doctorate.

It is also necessary to remember that, if you are attending online classes, you must first find out about the accreditation of the programs offered by them. The nursing care needs special training, which has also prompted the state and federal authorities to regulate nursing programs and ensure that Nursing Schools in Virginia provides quality trainings through accredited programs for higher level of nursing skills and knowledge. These online schools must also make enough arrangement to offer clinical hands-on training to students.

Nursing Schools in Virginia offers following Virginia Nursing Degree

  • LPN to ADN
  • LPN to BSN
  • RN to BSN
  • Second Degree BSN
  • Accelerated BSN
  • Part-Time MSN
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • Post-Master’s Certificate
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
  • Family NP
  • Nursing Education
  • Acute Care CNS
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • PhD in Nursing
  • Direct Entry MSN

Featured Nursing Schools in Virginia

  • Christian colleges
  • Liberty University in Lynchburg
  • Riverside School of Health Careers in Newport
  • University of Virginia in Charlottesville
  • Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond
  • George Mason University in Fairfax
  • Hampton University and others