Nursing schools in Florida

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If you are planning to enter health care field in the state of Florida, you must remember that there are numerous nursing schools in Florida that offers accredited training programs for LPN, RN, MAS, Masters, Specialty, HHA, PhD, BSN, Associate programs, diplomas, certificates and degrees.

But, it is also wise to know that all Nursing Schools in Florida are approved, disapproved and regulated by the FL Board of Nursing. Board of Nursing Florida comes under Florida Department of Health and duly authorized to regulate all nursing programs and schools all over Florida. The Board also sees that the schools follow all the provision as mandated by state and federal agencies, while offering their programs.

The state of Florida has created many baccalaureate, Masters and graduate nursing programs for the aspiring nursing students to obtain education for meeting diverse health care needs. One can earn diploma, certificate, degree, masters or PhD by various schools, technical schools and community colleges and by successfully passing licensing examinations.

Major nursing institutes offering nursing programs are accredited by any one of the major State or National approved National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Common Nursing programs offered by Nursing Schools in Florida include:

  • 4 Year Bachelor of Science (BSN) is offered to students without nursing college credits.
  • RN to Bachelor of Science (BSN): A RN graduates of diploma and associate degree programs can opt for this program.
  • RN to BSN/MSN: RN with associate degrees with some professional working experience can undertake the BSN and MSN in lesser time than traditional programs.
  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate .Leadership and Management in Health Care Certificate

Other programs include:

  • BSN to MSN
  • RN to MSN
  • PhD in Public Health
  • Post Masters in Nursing
  • MS in Nursing-Nurse Administration
  • MS in Nursing – Nurse Educator
  • Additional Programs

If any student is facing financial programs, they can also apply for the free financial aids comprising of scholarships, fellowships, grants, loans and other benefits that are offered to minority, disable and older students. Even training cost reimbursement schemes can also be availed by deserving nursing students, once they are employed.