The nursing students have best nursing education and career opportunities in New York than any other States in America. They can avail wide range of LPN, RN certification, associate degrees, BSN, MSN and doctoral degrees in different specialties from New York to buffalo, Long Island and Syracuse.
Other locations offering these degrees are Long Island University campus in Brooklyn, Southampton and Brookville, SUNY with campuses in Farmingdale, Delhi, Brooklyn, Suffern, Syracuse, Morrisville and Alfred, Binghamton University, Decker School of Nursing and College of Mount Saint Vincent, Department of Nursing – Riverdale. Other nursing schools are Columbia University – School of Nursing – New York and University of Rochester – School of Nursing – Rochester and multiple other community colleges provide various classroom and online degrees.
The weekend, evening and online curriculums has prompted many students to opt for different number of degree programs due to convenience of program attendance for working professionals.
New York Nursing Degree Programs
- Associate Nursing Degrees
- Bachelors Nursing Degrees
- Nursing Diploma Programs
- Doctoral Nursing Degrees
- Masters Degree
- Advanced Certificate Programs
- NCLEX – RN Courses
These nursing degrees can be further classified as below:
- RN to BSN
- RN to MSN
- Post-Master’s Certificate
- PhD
- Accelerated Second Degree
- PhD
- Doctor of Philosophy in Research Theory and Development
- Advanced Nursing Educator, Medical/Surgical CNS, Nursing Administration, Neonatal Nursing Program, Nursing Management, Nursing Education, , Community Health Primary Care, Disaster Management, Family Nursing Program, Nurse Educator, Nursing Program
- Oncology NP, Adult Acute Care NP, Adult Primary Care, Family Care Nursing program, Nursing Informatics, Oncology NP, Holistic Care Nursing program, Mental Health Nursing, Nursing Practitioner, Palliative Care NP
- Geriatric Nursing Program, , Nurse Midwifery, Community Health Nursing, Gerontological Nursing, Pediatric Nursing Program, Psych & Mental Health NP, Women’s Health Nursing Program, Nurse Anesthesia,
Student can also avail financial assistance such as Loan Forgiveness, Healthcare Facility Scholarships from various NYS healthcare facilities. They can also seek information for these financial assistances from NYSNA.
U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for RN loan repayment funds and NYS Higher Education Services Corp. (HESC) Nursing Faculty Loan Forgiveness Incentive Program are main financial aid for the nursing professionals and students.