Indiana Board of Nursing

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Board of Nursing Indiana comprises of 9 members appointed by the Governor for a term of 4 years, subject to death, resignation or removal by the governor. The representation in the Board  are 6 Registered nurses, 2 licensed practical nurse and one from the public of Indiana state, not related to nursing profession but from the consumer. Board members are appointed by the Governor under the recommendation of Indian State’s Nurses Association for Registered Nurses and Nurse Educators, the Indiana Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses for the Licensed Practical Nurse.

Prerequisite for the Board membership is:

  1. Be a citizen of United States
  2. A resident Of Indiana
  3. 5 years successive experience in administering, teaching or practicing in a educational program for preparing practitioners of nursing or practicing in a nursing service.
  4. 3 years actively engaged in the profession, proceeding to appointment in the board.

Same applies with the appointment of the LPNs but they must have 5 years practicing experience, rather than teaching.

The basic mission of the Board of Nursing is to prepare and develop education programs for offering safe and competent public health and to see that all licensing and program procedures meets the standard of state and federal Nurse Act stipulations.

The Board has also set up ad hoc committee for Advance Nursing Practice, Nurse Education and Nurse Monitoring/Nurse Chronicle Pain Management

The Advance Practice Nurse subcommittee was formed by the Board for rule changes recommendations and for measures that can be implemented for the improvement of advance practice nursing in the State of Indiana.

The Nurse Education subcommittee was also established to provide recommendations to the Board for the improvement of rules regarding nurse education.

The Board of Nursing Indiana offers complete services and information on the following field of Licensing, licensures and education:

  • Definitions & Appeals
  • Licensure:  by examination, endorsement, Renewal of license, Duplicate license
  • Name change
  • Employment conditions; enforcement powers and duties; records and reports
  • Fees schedules
  • Accreditation and Accreditation status
  • Opening and Closure a program
  • Eligible programs
  • Survey visits
  • Eligible institutions, Change of ownership and Transfer of program to another controlling organization
  • Philosophy, mission, and objectives
  • Organization and administration
  • Responsibility for developing and implementing the program in nursing shall be placed in the faculty of the nursing education unit.
  • The institution shall have an effective plan of organization and administration appropriate to the Admissions
  • Faculty, Faculty qualifications; registered nurse programs, Faculty qualifications; licensed practical nurse programs
  • Curriculum: all programs, Curriculum, registered nurse programs, Curriculum; licensed practical nurse program
  • Clinical experience; all programs
  • Progression and graduation
  • Records and program catalog
  • Reports to the board

Indiana Nurse Aide Registry is also managed, regulated and maintained by IN Board of Nursing and all nurse aide education programs offered throughout the state are approved and disapproved by the board. The board also oversees that programs and licensing meets the state and federal provisions and only competent CNAs are listed with the registry.

For further details on license application, licensing, licensures, education programs and other can be availed by contacting Board at:

Indiana State Board of Nursing
402 West Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, IN 46204