How much does a Certified Nursing Assistant earn in West Virginia?
The average Certified Nursing Assistant salary in West Virginia is $29,313 as of January 16, 2019, but the range typically falls between $26,564 and $32,611.
However, this is a rough estimation of an average pay, as individuals working hard in this field can go beyond that, as well. Relying on several factors, like location, work experience and the employer, a nursing can produce more or less income in the state. CNAs in this state can also work on per hour basis and on a weekly basis for some of the employers.
Advantages of Being an Experienced CNA
Employers look forward for seasoned CNAs in the state, as they want to avoid giving trainings and supervision to the new comers. This is the motive, why many companies only choose to recruit veteran CNAs for their firms, and one of them is the hospital. Experienced aides are also provided with benefits like, paid leaves, vacations, and insurance policies, many retirement plans, etc.
Employers are the one, who decide your annual pay, when you go to get a CNA job, as they hold an extremely eminent position in this entire process. Certified nursing aides are in huge requirements in the entire United States, likewise, in West Virginia. The employers situated in West Virginia offer a comfortable pay to the nursing aides, so that they can carry on a secure lifestyle. Many organisations reward their nurse assistants with a good pay and many other benefits, as well. They also recompense their seasoned aides with add-on advantages, like insurance, paid sick leaves, vacations, retirement plans, etc.
Those, who lack any sort of experience, can apply to companies that provide on the job trainings to the CNAs. This way, you will have to work for that company for a defined time, and you will gain related exposure in turn. This sort of facility are mostly initiated in the nursing homes, where an entry level aide is asked to do a particular job and can enjoy the benefit of sick days, though the pay is always kept low for them. Organisations always aid the employees, who work for them for more and more years. Due to, gain such profits, nursing aides stick to the same company for longer.
Average CNA pay in West Virginia
As per the latest reports, delivered by the ‘Bureau of Labor Statistics’, about 8,000 or more nursing assistants are employed in West Virginia. Though, the annual pay ranges within $20,000 to $32,000 in West Virginia, however, a nurse aide can make more than that, as well. Self-employment is one of the finest alternatives in West Virginia for a nursing assistant to make more wealth on an hourly basis. This may range in between $7.50 to $13.50 per hour; nonetheless, the median hourly income for nursing aides found here was $9.50, around.
Also, the impact of various areas affects the pay scale widely, in the state. Experienced aides, also have to undergo this fluctuation in their pay packets, if they got a job in a rural area.
Nursing assistants functioning in cities will earn more annual pay, than those aides, who are in the job in rural areas or small towns, as the standards of expenses are low there.
CNA Salary in Various Metropolis of West Virginia
Name of the Metropolis | Average Yearly Income |
Wheeling | $22,000 |
Weirton | $19,000 |
Charleston | $26,000 |
Fairmont | $20,000 |
Huntington | $28,000 |
Parkersburg | $25,000 |
CNA Salary in Various Settings
Name of the Professional Settings | Average Yearly Income |
Home Health Agencies | $31,000 |
Self Employed | $49,000 |
Hospital | $33,000 |
Home Care | $24,000 |
Nursing Home | $26,000 |
Average Salary with Related Professional Titles
Nurse Aide | $12,000 |
Registered Nurse | $42,000 |
Patient Care Assistant | $23,000 |
Home Health Aide | $14,000 |
Certified Nurse Aide | $15,000 |
Care Giver | $13,000 |
Certified Nurse Assistant | $14,000 |
Caregiver | $14,000 |
Cna – Pca | $11,000 |
Certified Nursing Assistant | $19,000 |
Nursing Assistant | $22,000 |
Certified Nursing Assistant Cna | $18,000 |
Job Prospects in West Virginia
As, the CNAs have to undergo several challenges and still, they provide massive care to patients by working in numerous healthcare settings; they are highly in demand in this state. To obtain an early on exposure about the nursing the nursing field, many nursing assistants can also try for RN Bridge Programs. While working as a CNA, you may carry on your prescribed education and aim for a registered nurse job position at the same time in the state. A reasonable pay scale and multiple job benefits make West Virginia, a worthwhile place to have a rewarding career for those, who want to have an established career in the nursing field.