Ideas for CNA In-services

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Nursing supervisors are much too familiar with teaching their CNAs about the in-service information. Topics usually include precautions, debriefing patients, confidentiality ad issues like pain, nutrition and other important procedures. Here are some ideas for in services that you can use:

Ideas for CNA In-services

Teach Them to Be Assertive

CNAs sometimes need to be assertive when dealing with difficult patients. However, they need to be taught about the difference between communicating passively, actively and assertively. Teach them how to be polite and assertive at the same time.

Teach Them How to Deal With Work Place Conflict

In every work place there is job conflict. It is important that the CNAs know how to deal with it and issues like bullying, harassment as well as malicious gossip.

Teach Them How to Maintain Professional Distance

A lot of time patients want to pursue close relationships with CNAs. It is important to tell them that they should not indulge in any such relationship and should maintain a safe distance from such clients.

Promote the CNA/Nurse Relationship

CNAs should be taught about healthy communication and mutual respect. They should be briefed about they should work in collaboration with the nurses to boost teamwork and the hospital’s performance.

Teach them About Time Management

It is important for individuals in the human healthcare industry to learn time management. A little delay in any of their procedure or service can be a matter of life or death for a sick or injured patient. They should be taught how to focus, avoid procrastination and keep away negative attitude while at work so that it does not affect their schedule.

Teach them About Cost-Efficient Care

It is very important to teach the CNAs know about the importance of cost efficiency in today’s world. They should be given tips on how to use things moderately, how to save money, minimize waste and learn time management.

These ideas will help the CNAs to be better people and professionals. Make sure you discuss all these things to promote professional attitude and to increase the quality of client care.