How Choose A CNA School That Is Right For You

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When you decide to become a CNA, you will find a number of different schools that can provide you with courses. However, choosing the best school, or at least a good one, can be a difficult task, especially when you bring in your own personal needs into the equation.

How Choose A CNA School That Is Right For You

Here are a few considerations to make when choosing a CNA school that is right for you:


The best CNA schools are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). This means they are state-approved and guaranteed by the NLNAC to have the highest of standards of education. Accredited schools also improve your marketability when job searching, and allows you to easily further your education and pursue a degree at other accredited schools.

Meeting Certification Requirements

You should also make sure that the school you’re going to meets the certification requirements of your state. The courses they offer should provide adequate theoretical and hands-on training and enough credit hours to meet requirements. It should also be state-approved, as you will be taking a state-designated exam in order to be certified. You can approach your state’s board of nurses to find out the certification requirements of your state.

Does It Fit Your Schedule?

Another important consideration to check if a school fits your needs is to think about where you are in life. Are you already employed elsewhere, attending nursing school already, or have a family that keeps you busy? If so, there are many different scheduling options you can look at, and must go for a school that can accommodate your schedule. You could take evening classes, weekend classes, or go for on the job training with a promise of employment at a hospital. Of course, if you go for weekend classes the program would take longer to complete so this should also be taken into consideration.

These few tips should help you decide on a good CNA school, but are by no means the only ones. Everyone has their own reasons for picking a school and you should look at all your personal and professional requirements when choosing a school.